
Aims: We present the results of a phytosociological investigation of segetal plant communities colonizing winter arable fields, olive groves, and vineyards in selected traditional agricultural areas of central Italy. Some of these communities have great environmental and cultural value and are threatened by changes in agriculture. Given the lack of knowledge, this paper aims to introduce the recent diversity of traditional agriculture weed vegetation in this part of Italy by means of the collection of original data. Study area: Latium and Abruzzo regions (central Italy). Methods: Hierarchical classification of 132 unpublished releves, carried out with fixed area plots in 44 cultivated patches, and their characterization in phytosociological, chorological, structural, and ecological terms. Results: The numerical analyses detected the presence of 10 vegetation types, attributable to four phytosociological classes: Chenopodietea, Festuco-Ononidetea striatae, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, and Papaveretea rhoeadis. Two Natura 2000 Habitats were recognized. Conclusions: The study allowed the detection and classification of well-preserved communities of traditional agricultural systems, some of which are disappearing in Europe.

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