
In the conditions placor soil Meshchovskiy Opole the Central economic region of the Nonchernozem zone of the Russian Federation on agro-gray forest middle loamy soils defined by the main species composition of segetal complex field agrophytocenoses in the structure of five fields grain and grain-grass crop rotation in the limit of syntaxon Stellarietea mediae R. Tx. et al. ex von Rochow 1951. The combinations of weed and field species specific to field crops are established and the influence of minimization of basic tillage is shown, including No-till, and applying calculated norms of mineral fertilizers (NPK) on the dynamics of the species composition and number of the main components of the segetal complex is shown. The original synanthropic plant communities on the fallow lands of Meshchovsky Opole develop from the segetal complex of previous agrophytocenoses. The core of the cenoflora is represented by 104 species of higher herbage plants from 29 families. Synanthropic communities have a low species saturation – 8 species per 100 m2 and a projection coverage of 57.6%. In acesite territories the advantage is given to the types of anemochory edificatory. Phytomass of secondary phytocenoses without comprehensive measures to improve their floristic composition cannot be used for bulk feed production


  • IntroductionField community segetal species are formed in specific agro-climatic conditions and depending on between the cenofloras floristic regions, agricultural crops, structure of crop rotation, intensification of agricultural technology and level of environmental and economic development entity, developing floristically impoverished local segetal complexes, but with a relatively constant set of species, one of the regular causes of the declining productivity of arable land

  • The floral composition of pioneer communities developing on fallow lands is diverse and varies from the previous segetal complex, a set of crops on arable land, and the ecological and soil conditions of the area

  • Synanthropic field communities classified by J Braun-Blanquet [9, 10], derivatives were formed in the syntaxon limit Stellarietea mediae R

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Field community segetal species are formed in specific agro-climatic conditions and depending on between the cenofloras floristic regions, agricultural crops, structure of crop rotation, intensification of agricultural technology and level of environmental and economic development entity, developing floristically impoverished local segetal complexes, but with a relatively constant set of species, one of the regular causes of the declining productivity of arable land. The floral composition of pioneer communities developing on fallow lands is diverse and varies from the previous segetal complex, a set of crops on arable land, and the ecological and soil conditions of the area. The analysis of successional variability of naturally formed vegetation cover on a temporarily abandoned arable land removed from active agricultural turnover is of scientific and practical significance for assessing the economic potential and developing technologies for their targeted accelerated development [6-8]

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