
Since the 1970s, the emergence of digital works of art has broken the medium restrictions of traditional works of art, and has also subverted the creation methods of traditional works of art. In the context of contemporary art, the unique media and technologies possessed by digital artworks not only enrich the forms of artistic expression, but also have multiple creative methods, multi-media and multi-field performance capabilities, and help creators to become more diversified and convey humanistic creative ideas. Such works can not only trigger the audience’s aesthetic experience, but also stimulate the audience’s thinking on issues such as self-identity, self-worth and social identity. The psychological healing function of digital art works created with digital media art provides new possibilities for experiences that traditional art works cannot bring. Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, digital media art is also becoming more and more mature, but due to technical and cultural constraints, digital art works have not fully exerted their psychological healing functions. With the resolution of technical and cultural issues, digital media art will have more room for development in psychological healing.

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