
The place of the Hungarian Kingdom before Mohacs in Europe and its political maneuverability are of great importance in the comprehensive analysis of Ottoman-Hungarian connections. Thus, the place occupied by the Buda administration in European diplomacy and its attempts to maintain its political presence against the Sublime Porte [Dîvân-ı Hümâyûn] will be clearly revealed. In this way, developments that have a direct impact on Hungarian foreign policy are centered in this study. The time interval was determined as the years 1521-1522. Thus, the Ottoman raids that led to the conquest of Hungary were accepted as the starting point. The events were brought up to the conquest of Rhodes, which shook the balance of power in Europe and pointed out that the Hungarian Kingdom could not hold out any longer. In the aforementioned process, it was not aimed to review the signs of internal crisis in Hungary. For this reason, the domestic political and economic conditions of the country were not mentioned. Finally, the political and military approach of the Western European monarchs to the Hungarian Kingdom is discussed. In addition, the complex nature of multi-layered relations and the loneliness of Hungary due to being away from the west of Europe were tried to be reflected. As a matter of fact, it cannot be said that the only factor in Hungary’s foreign policy was the Ottoman threat until the conquest efforts of Sultan Suleiman. Despite the Turkish threat, the Hungarian kings Sigismund, Matthias Corvinus and to some extent the Jagiellonian Dynasty are not only observers but also guides in European politics. In the relevant context, the analyzes are intended to illustrate the characteristics of the political relationship network in during the collapse of the Hungarian Kingdom.

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