
In 2020, the Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi) drew attention to the history of racism in the United States on the creation and exacerbation of extant medical racial inequities to the detriment of Black individuals. Recognizing that solutions based solely in Western frameworks cannot fully address the mental health needs of Black individuals, ABPsi devoted collaborative efforts to develop culturally grounding healing responses for the unique experiences of race-based invisibility and trauma. Additionally, amid the pandemic, individuals of African-descent experienced various mass racial traumas, including a wave of widely publicized police violence. Beginning with COVID-19, these intersecting pandemics of racism elucidated the need for healing, particularly culturally grounding healing. In consultation with the Black Family Summit, ABPsi developed a pilot investigation, the Sawubona Healing Circle (SHC) initiative, which are culturally grounding healing circles to support Black first responders. Using an African-centered worldview, the circles recognize and validate the specific constellation of anti-Black traumas and stressors, equipping them with African-centered healing methods. This paper outlines the theory, development, implementation, and initial evaluation of the SHC intervention.

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