
Sustainable future in agriculture, encourage us to find more environmentally ecofriendlyalternatives,the seed is a fundamental component of sustainable production ,as approximately 90% of ourfood crops are grow from seed.Agriculture is facing challenges due to changing environmental conditions such as salinity,heavy metalaccumulation in soil,weeds and climate changes .etc....all of these factors affect seed germination leadingto abnormal seed dormancy,non-viability ,reduce water absorption in addition to seedling development,andcrop production.Seed treatment by agrochemical play a role in preserving seed quality against biotic and a bioticstresses,they often have negative impacts on the environment.As a result ,adoption green chemistrytechnologies(Nanoagrochemicls) is an adequate solution.In this article,we will attempt to spot light on various used for seed treatment.Additionally,we will examinethe advantages and disadvantages of each method,with the objective of applying seed treatment techniquesand assessing their effectiveness in promoting agro-production development,particularly in Africancountries.Furthermore,we will explore the adoption of nanotechnology as a solution to improve the quality ofagricultural products.

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