
Cottonseed treatment containing both experimental and commercial seed protectants used alone and in combination with systemic fungicides were evaluated for their effects on percent seedling survival of Gossypium hirsuturn L., ‘Stoneville 213,’ at several test sites. Although differences among fungicide treatments were not significant within some individual tests, the combined analysis of the data across tests at the same site; with different methods of delinting; with both methods of delinting and sites; or with one method of delinting at several sites, usually showed significant differences among fungicide treatments.The combined analysis of the data across sites should more clearly define those fungicide treatments effective over a wide range of environments and soil types than did the individual‐test analyses, because the combined experiments were conducted over a wide area. Analyses of the data within tests, across tests at the same site, and across sites, showed that fungicides for coating cotton. seed, enabling higher stands than the standards, are being developed. Combination treatments, two or more fungicides, usually gave higher stands than treatments containing one fungicide. Some experimental materials, when used either alone or in combinations, gave stands equal to or better than the stands for the standards. By use of these methods of analysis, the time, cost, and amount of treated seed required to evaluate seed protestants would probably be reduced, because ineffective treatments could be identified and eliminated early in the research program, while effective treatments could be carried forward.

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