
The dry sea floor of the Aral Sea at present is a huge open salt flat. The enhancement of vegetation cover by means of phytomelioration is a realistic way for stabilization of the dry sea floor surface. This will support the natural processes of vegetative and generative propagation and the creation of seed banks for natural dissemination. Two experimental plots were established for identification of perspective plants for phytoreclamation of saline soils. Seeding experiments were started on two kinds of different ecological environments. Seeds of perennial and annual halophytes: Halocnemum strobilaceum, Haloxylon aphyllum, Halostachys caspica, Climacoptera aralensis, etc. were sowed. Experiment has shown that sandy soils have more favourable conditions for implementation of phytomeliorative measures than clay soils; the aridity of the first vegetation period plays a major role on the establishment of seedlings and saplings; species from local flora are more effective for phytoreclamation.

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