
Fusarium moniliforme is a widespread facultative endophyte, primarily associated with corn, where it causes extensive crop damage.F. moniliforme can be toxigenic, the carcinogenic fumonisins being accumulated predominantly when the fungus colonizes corn plants. The pathogen is transmitted both through contaminated seeds and through environmental inoculum. This study utilized markednit-mutantF. moniliforme inoculum in order to evaluate the quantitative significance of seedborne disease transmission. Greenhouse and field trials demonstrated that seedborne isolates were responsible for up to 50% ofF. moniliforme disease. Seed treatment with the fungicide prochloraz was found to control seedborne transmission and to protect againstF. moniliforme seedling blight. The elimination of seedborne inoculum resulted in reduced incidence of kernel rot and avoided the increment in soil inoculum accumulation associated with the introduction of infected seeds.

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