
Three methods for growing Egyptian clover sprouts hydroponically in dark were compared. Growing sprouts using the glass jar method result-ed in the largest numerical yield of sprouts per equal unit pench area (6781 g/m2) with adequate yield per unit volume of seeds (8.7 g of sprouts/ g of seeds). The highest sprout yield per unit volume of seeds (>9 g of sprouts/ g of seeds) was ob-tained using covered panet method. Seeding den-sity at 4-6 g/100 cm2 of the panet and harvest of clover sprouts at 5 days old with soaking time is recommended to provide a product of highest pos-sible nutritional value (3.73 g of protein and 0.93 g of fiber / 100 g clover sprouts) for human foods. Four seeding rates for growing radish and rocket sprouts in soil in natural sun light were compared. Seeding rate at 60-80 g/m2 for radish and 30-40 g/m2 for rocket seeds were recommended to pro-vide a green sprouts of high yield with good sprout physical characters and good nutritional value (2.1 g of protein and 0.7 g of fiber/ 100 g fresh rocket sprouts and 1.68 g of protein and 0.54 g of fiber/ 100 g fresh radish sprouts). The lipid content of the sprouts was relatively low (0.03 – 0.16 % on a fresh weight basis). Raw clover sprouts had the lowest content of lipid and therefore, could be rec-ommended for lowing weight. Development of food products from germinated clover, radish and rocket may be promising in Egyptian human foods for their nutritional advantageous due to low content of fats and high protein utilization.

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