
In order to determine if red maple dispersal potential or seed size change during secondary succession, samaras were collected from five populations located in early successional environments and five populations located in late successional environments. Wing loading ratios (samara mass—mg/samara area—cm2), which are inversely proportional to dispersal ability, were computed for all samaras, and seeds were excised from each samara and weighed. Samaras from the early successional red maples showed slightly but significantly lower wing loading ratios than those from the late successional environments. This result corresponds with the conclusions reached by several theoretical investigations of seed dispersal evolution that predict that recently founded populations will show greater dispersal abilities than more established populations. The earlier successional populations had slightly heavier seeds than the later successional populations, which suggests that the changes in community composition and dynamics that occur during this successional sequence do not select for heavier seeds in older red maple populations. Coefficients of variation for wing loading and seed size showed no consistent trends with successional stage, which indicates that variation in these characters does not decrease as succession proceeds.

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