
AbstractGenusRosaL. is one of most critical taxa within European flora. Majority works is devoted to phylogeny, taxonomy and nomenclature of roses. Investigations of morphology and ecology of roses are still relatively few in number. The aim of this study was to evaluate seed mass and seed yield of six rose species (Rosa cinnamomea,R. spinosissima,R. rugosa,R. rubiginosa,R. glaucaandR. canina) from populations in Central Russia (Republic of Mordovia). As a result of the study, it was revealed thatRosa rugosahas maximal num-ber of seeds per rosehip among all investigated roses. Roses from sectionCaninaeare characterized by large number of achenes per rosehip too. In contrast, among all investigated species,Rosa cinnamomeahave most minimal seed yield. Origin ofRosa spinosissimapopulation in Ruzaevka district (Republic of Mordovia, Central Russia) was proposed as uncertain according to number of seeds per rosehip. At first time, the seed mass ofRosa cinnamomea,R. glaucaandR. rubiginosawas revealed.

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