
To review the cardiac surgical simulation experience with a focus on data supporting its use. Simulators have been used to improve trainee performance across multiple surgical domains. Few cardiac surgery residency programs have incorporated the use of simulation individually and Boot Camp programs in the United States and Canada have also introduced surgical simulation early in cardiac surgical training. Simulation curricula have some common elements: component tasks, deliberate practice, progressive operative responsibility, and coaching by an experienced surgeon. Cardiac surgical simulators can range from inexpensive, low-fidelity models for the practice of isolated skills to high-fidelity, operating room-scenarios. Multiple small studies have consistently demonstrated that the use of simulation improves qualitative and quantitative performance measures as well as overall resident confidence in clinical settings. To our knowledge, no study has demonstrated that use of simulation has led to improved quantitative performance measures in the operating room or patient outcomes. The barriers to wider use of surgical simulators include perceived lack of time and resources, the need for sustained practice and the lack of high-quality data to demonstrate clinical benefit. Incorporation of cardiac surgery simulation has been slow in most residency programs. There is consistent data demonstrating that simulation improves resident performance measures of simulation-based tasks but whether this will lead to improved patient outcomes remains an open question.

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