
Liassic carbonates are widespread in the Aydincik (Içel) area where they occur within the Tauride Orogenic Belt. They are represented by the Dibekli Member of the Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Cehennemdere Formation. Seven lithofacies have been delineated within the 489m thick Pirencik Tepe measured stratigraphic section.The facies are: (1) Dolomite (supratidal environment), (2) Microbial laminated limestone (intertidal environment), (3) Intraformational conglomerate (dominantly subtidal environment, (4) Megalodont-Orbitopsella-bearing micrite (shallow subtidal environment), (5) Gastropod-bearing micrite (restricted subtidal environment), (6) Mudstone/micrite (restricted shallow subtidal environment), and (7) Oolite-intraclast-bearing micrite/sparite (high energy intertidal environment).From base to top, the Pirencik Tepe measured stratigraphic section consists of predominantly dolomite, microbial laminated limestone, and cyclic carbonates which are composed of intraformational conglomerate, Megalodont-Orbitopsella-bearing micrite, and microbial laminated limestone. Among the cyclic carbonates, gastropod-bearing micrite and mudstone are irregularly present. The uppermost portion of the section is an oolite-intraclast-bearing micrite/sparite. The overall Liassic carbonate sequence shows a slightly deepening upward sequence in contrast to each cycle in the cyclicity. The average cycle duration is approximately 27–34kyr, which is due to the fifth order cyclicity. The cyclicity is mainly caused by sea level changes. In some areas, a tectonic effect was added to sea level changes, indicated by the lateral changes in the thickness of the intraformational conglomerate.

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