
Abstract An Early Jurassic tetrapod tracksite in the upper Elliot Formation at Moyeni, southern Lesotho, displays a variety of trackways attributed to large- and medium-sized theropod (Neotrisauropus-type) and ornithischian (Moyenisauropus-type) dinosaurs, basal crurotarsal archosaurs (chirotheroid-type), and a short-legged basal tetrapod (Episcopopus-type). The tracks are on a low-angle pointbar and are buried with loessic floodplain fine-grained sediment. Calcic paleosols indicate a warm semiarid climate. Many of the footprints were imprinted through an algal mat in a water-margin setting. Convergence of several trackways toward a single point suggests repeated visits to drink or cross the river. One of the two large Moyenisauropus-type trackways has a narrow gauge that suggests an upright, parasagittal gait, whereas the other shows changes in gauge width, stance, and posture as it proceeded up the pointbar slope. At least three resting traces with manus, metatarsal, and tail impressions attributable to...

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