
Lacustrine and alluvial carbonate facies have been investigated in Middle Miocene successions of the western side of the Madrid Basin in order to evaluate paleoenvironments in which carbonates formed. Carbonate facies are varied and include: (1) calcrete and dolocrete; (2) pond deposits; (3) lake margin dolostone; (4) mudflat carbonate; and (5) open-lake carbonate facies. The dominant mineralogy of these is dolomite and/or low-Mg calcite. No high-Mg calcite or aragonite have been detected in any sample. δ 18O- and δ 13C-values range from −8.20 to −1.80% PDB and −10.25 to −0.70% PBD, respectively. More negative δ 18O- and δ 13C-values correspond to predominantly calcite calcretes and to carbonate deposited in ponds at the foot of arkosic alluvium. Higher δ 18O-values are from both lacustrine carbonate and dolocrete. This latter lithofacies has strong geochemical similarities to dolostones deposited in a lake margin environment. Mudflat carbonate, deposited on shallow platforms subject to lake water oscillation, shows great heterogeneity in both stable isotope value and trace-element content. The mineralogy of these carbonates is dominated by calcite and the limestones contain molds of gypsum. Occurrence of calcitized dolomite textures in these facies suggests the influence of fresher water during expanding lacustrine cycles or further interaction with less saline groundwater. Trace-element contents are considered to be potential indicators of the different carbonate facies types, thus aiding the paleoenvironmental interpretation. However, discrimination among carbonate facies on the basis of trace-element contents appears to be dependent on the statistical method utilized for treatment of data. More information is needed to ascertain their use as paleoenvironmental indicators.

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