
The approximately 1200 m thick Multicoloured 'series' (bed-groups 7–13) and adjacent units of the upper Eleonore Bay Group have been the subject of detailed sedimentological investigation during 1989 in the area between northern Scoresby Land and Andree Land in North-East Greenland. The Multicoloured 'series' consists of alternating units, 100–300 m thick, of carbonate and siliciclastic deposits which are uniformly developed throughout the central fjord zone. It represents the transitional stage from a pure siliciclastic shelf environment to a carbonate platform environment. During its development initial carbonate sedimentation was repeatedly terminated by drowning and siliciclastic deposition, until a large carbonate platform represented by the overlying Limestone-Dolomite 'series' was firmly established.


  • The approximately 1200 m thick Multicoloured 'series' and adjacent units of the upper Eleonore Bay Group have been the subject of detailed sedimentological investigation during 1989 in the area between northern Scoresby Land and Andree Land in North-East Greenland

  • The Eleonore Bay Group is an approximately 14 km thick sequence of metasediments and sediments thought to have been deposited on an extensive shelf boardering the lapetus Ocean during Late Precambrian times (Haller, 1971; Harland & Gayer, 1972; Caby & Bertrand-Sarfati, 1988)

  • There is no general agreement on a formal subdivision of the Eleonore Bay Group

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Tillite Group

I. Sketch map showing thc distribution of thc Eleonore Bay Group (dotted). Bcd-groups 1-5 ef thc Quartzitc 'series' were not invcstigatcd in detail. Thcy consist of alternating units of paie quanzitic sandstone and dark brown to green mudstone. The quartzitic units arc mostly massive but, judgcd from the rclalivcly few scdimcntary structurcs and the dcposilional architecture, a marine origin is likely L) coastal exposures are of a quality which may provide a more dctailed insight into the depositional evolution af this part of the Quartzitc 'series'. Outcrops of bed-group 6 were, ofte n af a high quality, and were studied in more detail at several localities. From southern Andree Land to northern Lyell Land il consists af two distinct deposi-

AM Evaporite
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