
The Tiberino Basin was formed during Plio-Pleistocene extensional tectonic activity in Central Italy. The Pliocene sediments that fill this structure consist predominately of fine-grained clastic lithofacies deposited in a lacustrine system; four facies associations have been distinguished. Facies association A was deposited in a deep-offshore lacustrine environment and consists of massive, laminated, bluish-gray marly clays that lack benthonic fauna but have preserved organic matter (leaves, wood). This facies association is the main lacustrine deposit, whereas the other three represent marginal facies. Facies association B is interpreted as a delta system deposit; it has Gilbert-type sandy gravel bodies with foresets up to 50 m high and prodelta bodies consisting of laminated to massive marly clays that alternate with sandy and gravelly mud strata. Association C corresponds to a coastal environment, where two sub-environments are recognized: (1) a wave-dominated coastline characterized by interbedded muddy and sandy strata with sedimentary structures attributed to hummocky cross-stratification; and (2) clayey silts and lignites interpreted as a coastal wetland; a spectacular fossil forest is preserved in situ within this unit. Association D, formed on the distal part of a muddy alluvial fan, consists of sheet-flood clayey sandy silts, that alternate with incipient paleosols; rare, ribbon-channel fills are also present. Paleoenvironmental reconstruction indicates that the Tiberino Basin was occupied by a narrow, deep meromictic lake during the Pliocene. The size, shape, depth and sub-environment distribution of this lake were controlled by tectonic phenomena, such as the high subsidence rate, which caused the lake to be large and deep. Only in the few coastal areas that had high sedimentary input were wetland or alluvial fan deposits formed.

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