
Authigenic vivianite and siderite microconcretions were found, respectively, in hemipelagic and deltaic facies of 600-m-long BDP-98 sediment section from Lake Baikal. Textural investigations of these microconcretions show that they are typically <1 mm in size, irregular in shape and composed of aggregated crystallites. Dissimilar orientation of vivianite and siderite crystallites suggests formation at different depths in the sediment; up to tens of centimeters for vivianite and tens of meters for siderite. Chemical analyses of both the vivianite and the siderite indicate cation composition characterized by minor amounts of Mn, Ca and Mn apart from the dominating Fe. Rather limited and distinctive carbon isotopic composition of the siderite, with d 13 CVPDB values between about +13 and þ16‰, implies formation of the mineral in the metha- nogenic zone of diagenesis. Isotopic composition of oxygen in the siderite (d 18 OVPDB values be- tween about )10 and � 11‰) is consistent with crystallization temperature at about 10-30� C and water d 18 OSMOW values between about )10 and � 16‰. The distribution of the authigenic miner- als in the section suggests changes in both sedi- mentary facies and climate, where vivianite formation was controlled by hemipelagic deposi- tional conditions during the Pliocene and Qua- ternary, whereas siderite reflects impact of deltaic conditions during the Miocene.

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