
Jurassic molluscan migration and evolution in relation to sea level changes.- Middle Jurassic ammonite evolution in the Andean province and emigration to tethys.- Drastic changes in carboniferous ammonoid rates of evolution.- Ammonite shell form and transgression in the British lower Jurassic.- The role of the environment in the nautilacea.- Response of sediments to sea-level changes in differing subsiding storm-dominated marginal and epeiric basins.- The local signature of sea-level changes.- Sea-level changes in the upper sinemurian and pliensbachian of southern Germany.- Epicontinental marl-limestone alternations: Event deposition and diagenetic bedding (upper Jurassic, southwest Germany).- Evolution in marginal epicontinental basins: The role of phylogenetic and ecological factors.- Immigration of cephalopods into the germanic muschelkalk basin and its influence on their suture line.- Immigrations of crinoids into the german muschelkalk basin.- Endemic evolution of Gyraulus kleini in the steinheim basin (planorbid snails, miocene, southern Germany).- Responses of the plio-pleistocene freshwater gastropods of Kos (Greece, Aegean sea) to environmental changes.- The steinheim basin as a paleo - ancient lake.- The jeram model: Event condensation in a modern intertidal environment.- Dynamic stratigraphy of the Upper Muschelkalk, south-german basin summary.- Environmental evolution in shallow epicontinental seas.- Sedimentary dynamics of complex shell beds: Implications for ecologic and evolutionary patterns.- Upper cretaceous (santonian-maastrichtian) molluscan faunal associations British Columbia.- Oyster beds: Morphologic response to changing substrate conditions.- Ecological patterns in middle Jurassic.

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