
Contemporary fluvial bedload transport rates are still very difficult to measure and, as a result of this, in many sites only quantitative data on suspended and solute transport are included in sediment budget studies carried out for defined drainage basin systems. The presented analysis of fluvial bedload dynamics in different defined subsystems of the glacier-connected Erdalen (79.5km2) and Bødalen (60.1km2) drainage basins in the steep fjord landscape of western Norway provides insights into (i) detectable relevant sediment sources, (ii) instream channel storage of bedload material, (iii) spatiotemporal variability and controls of bedload transport rates and bedload yields, and (iv) the absolute and relative importance of fluvial bedload transport within the sedimentary budgets of these steep cold climate mountain valleys. Rockfalls, snow avalanches, stream channel bank erosion, and fluvial transfers through small tributaries draining slope systems are relevant sediment sources for fluvial bedload transport in the main stream channels, whereas the main outlet glaciers in both drainage basins are not of importance as all bedload material delivered directly from these outlet glaciers is trapped within proglacial lakes. Narrow valleys within both drainage basin systems are characterized by a higher intensity of slope-channel coupling and display higher rates of sediment supply from slopes into the main stream channels than wider valleys. Snow avalanches are the most important sediment source in Erdalen, whereas fluvial transfers through small tributaries followed by snow avalanches are most important in Bødalen. Longer term, instream channel storage is not of great importance in the steep Bødalen drainage basin but currently plays an important role within the Erdalen drainage basin, which is characterized by a stepped longitudinal main valley bottom profile favoring deposition of bedload material within less steep main channel reaches. The mean annual bedload yields (2010–2013) are 2.4tkm−2y−1 for the entire Erdalen and 13.3tkm−2y−1 for the entire Bødalen drainage basin, which are comparably low values for steep and partly glacierized drainage basin systems. Because of supply-limited conditions, the intensity of fluvial bedload transport is generally much more related to the availability of sediments than to channel discharge. Fluvial bedload transport accounts for about one-third of the total fluvial transport and accordingly plays an important role within the sedimentary budgets of both drainage basin systems.

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