
Study of metal content in sediments is important for monitoring condition of Citarum river. This study aims to determine several metal namely Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cr, Cd, Pb, Hg, and As in upstream Citarum river sediments. Research was conducted in the Cirasea sub-watershed, namely Gunung Wayang, Babakan Village, Cikitu Village, Wangi Sagara, Puncak Cae, Koyod, Andir, and Nanjung. Sediment samples were taken once a month from September to November 2022. Several physico-chemical parameter were carried insitu and laboratory. Sediment metal analysis was carried out using the ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry) technique. Metal concentrations were compared with standards and the relationship between metal parameters and physico-chemical parameters was analyzed by PCA (Principal Component Analysis). Metals that were not found in all stations were Hg and Cd. The metal found with the largest concentration was Fe, otherwise metal found with the smallest concentration was As. Based on PCA, there are three groups based on metals and physico-chemical parameters. Advanced metal analysis needs to be carried out in the Citarum river from upstream to downstream to determine water quality of Citarum river.

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