
The present article is dedicated to comprehensive analysis of business-risks in Syria in the security sphere (the author named it as “security trap”). Among them are the seats of combat activities between the government forces and the opposition, contradictions between the central government and local elite, rise in criminality among former combatants, traumatized by war, “urban” terrorism, stepped up activity on the part of ISIS militants in desert areas and not in the last measure the conflicts of interests among external actors. This topic seems to be quite new for scientific research in Russia and abroad since most analytical work has been previously focused on impacts of security in military political and social spheres rather than in the economic one. Such approach would allow us to make a conclusion that business risks alongside other difficulties such as territorial fragmentation, economy lying in ruins, sanctions, crisis in neighboring Lebanon, COVID-19 pandemic are hampering the revival of businesslike life. This is important and useful for constructing hierarchy of external and internal challenges for Syria’s post-conflict reconstruction, including the stabilizing role of Russia. The author has used empirical materials gathered during the term of his diplomatic service at the Russian Embassy in Damascus (in 2014–2017) along with his subsequent regular visits to Syria.


  • Among them are the seats of combat activities between the government forces and the opposition, contradictions between the central government and local elite, rise in criminality among former combatants, traumatized by war, “urban” terrorism, stepped up activity on the part of ISIS militants in desert areas and not in the last measure the conflicts of interests among external actors

  • This topic seems to be quite new for scientific research in Russia and abroad since most analytical work has been previously focused on impacts of security in military political and social spheres rather than in the economic one

  • Such approach would allow us to make a conclusion that business risks alongside other difficulties such as territorial fragmentation, economy lying in ruins, sanctions, crisis in neighboring Lebanon, COVID-19 pandemic are hampering the revival of businesslike life

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Аннотация: Статья посвящена комплексному анализу бизнес-рисков в Сирии в сфере безопасности (по совокупности автор назвал их «ловушкой безопасности»). Это важно и полезно для выстраивания иерархии внешних и внутренних вызовов для постконфликтной реконструкции Сирии, в том числе в свете стабилизирующей роли России. Ключевые слова: «ловушка безопасности», бизнес-риски, сирийский конфликт, внешние акторы, урбанистический терроризм. Старший научный сотрудник Института востоковедения Российской академии наук. Несмотря на географическую локализацию вооруженного конфликта, серьезным препятствием на пути экономического восстановления Сирии остаются бизнес-риски, связанные с проблемами в сфере безопасности, которые фактически существуют во всех 14 провинциях страны. Основной целью исследования является определение степени опасности «ловушки безопасности» в иерархии вызовов для постконфликтной реконструкции Сирии, ее глубины («вязкости») при помощи контент-анализа и эмпирического метода и составление рекомендаций в свете возможной стабилизирующей роли России

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