
Internet of Things (IoT) devices have been identified as the primary source or compromised node responsible for the recent increase in reported cases of network intrusion attacks. Research on the vulnerabilities of IoT devices, reveals in most cases the root cause of the vulnerabilities is the incorrect implementation of security features or the absence of security features. The number of network intrusion will increase as new IoT technologies with lacking security features are implemented in many sectors of society such as, transportation, business, industry, and home. There are three goals of this survey. First, classify security features in IoT devices. Second, provide answers to two main questions that researchers, system administrators, and the general public need to know before installing IoT devices in their network: what are the security features offered by the device? and what are the security threats faced by the device? With answers to these questions, we will be able to make well-informed decisions when integrating such devices in our network. Third, highlight the importance of integrating security features in the development and design of IoT devices, rather than treating it as an afterthought.

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