
Aim: It is an exciting and ground-breaking professional mission to examine the state and non-state actors involved in the creation and maintenance of security, to develop a realistic picture of the current situation and to analyse the future possibilities. On the basis of the information available to us, no such empirical research has been carried out to date, and we would like to fill this gap – at least in part – with the modest means at our disposal. With our questionnaire survey, we aim to prove or refute the validity and professional necessity of a similar PhD study, and to draw up a problem map that can help decision-makers, legislators and those involved in security to renew the security profession and rethink its activities.Methodology: On the basis of our preliminary request, 32 people, in 8 segmentations and equal representation, completed the online expert questionnaire „Security Reconsidered”, which was used for the research, containing 19 questions (15 multiple-choice and 4 multiple-choice), prepared in cooperation with representatives of several stakeholders. It was completed in December 2021, using the NKE Survey site (https://survey.uni-nke.hu/) provided by the National University of Public Service. All completions were voluntary and anonymous (the respondents within the given representation).Findings: In this paper, we present the background, the aim, the novelty of the chosen topic, the social, economic and scientific importance of the dissemination, the findings of the analysis of the questionnaire and the questionnaire.Value: Young law enforcement academics should strive to explore the issues at stake from as many levels and perspectives as possible, with the necessary scientific rigour. The methodological approach should be based on an inquisitive attitude that seeks to understand the social phenomena that frame the reality of policing, at both institutional and individual levels. Our research will help to achieve this.

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