
Data is a very essential source for all organizations in today’s world. In the past years data was stored in a sever which was physically placed inside the organizations. As the amount of data is been increasing, it is a great challenge for the Database Administrator to manage the database. The entire data was in the control of the Database Administrator. To overcome this challenge arose the concept of Cloud computing. It is a technique that describes software and services that run through the internet rather than private servers and hard drives. In cloud computing the consumers does not own the infrastructure needed to support the programs or any applications they use. The data is owned by a third party and the end users pay for the services provided to them. This paper discusses about the basics of cloud computing management and its types. Cloud provides various advantages to its users and at the same time the major concern is towards the security of data. The data is stored in the cloud and it can be accessed through internet only. Internet is playing a major role in everyone’s life. The world has become too small and it is placed in the palm of a human. This is because of the technology that is ruling the world. To secure the data in cloud is a major and the most important task that should be looked into. This paper focusses mainly the security issues and challenges in cloud.

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