
Big data is crucial in the modern world because more datasets are falling in its domain. The term refers to the enormously growing complex heterogeneous datasets requiring powerful technologies and algorithms. It is identified by its huge volume, high velocity of generation, and variety of data formats; identified as 3Vs. Data can be from smart grids, e-health systems, IoT, transportation, or government monitoring data, which must be sorted, analyzed, and stored. The challenge arises in storing and managing unlimited data coping with high read and write rates flexibly and efficiently while dealing with various data models. Cloud computing, an open standard model, enabling ubiquitous computing with shared network access of a group of computing assets, serves to manage the big data resources. However, the use of distributed resources also poses a threat to the security and integrity of data. The security and integrity of big data resources is an open research topic of prime significance. This chapter will introduce big data, the need for cloud and distributed computing, data storage on the cloud resources, and the security concerns with its storage. Under these emblems, different datasets that form the big data will be discussed, along with the complexities in handling these datasets. Cloud computing architecture will be presented along with different types of clouds and services in current designs. The chapter will also outline cloud data security and storage security domains from the perspective of cloud data owners and service providers.

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