
With the recent trends in the integration of blockchain with the internet of things (IoT), individuals are more concerned about security issues such as user privacy and confidentiality. Public key cryptography is the commonly used scheme for encryption of blockchain data. Since IoT integrates multiple devices, tracking the origin of any problem is a major issue of these systems. Moreover, IoT market system is highly unregulated. This leads to security as the biggest concern of the blockchain intersected IoT devices. To overcome these issues, in this work we propose a new encryption methodology called Chaotic-Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (C-RSA) algorithm. In this methodology, the chaotic systems are integrated with the RSA algorithm. Chaotic sequences are extremely sensitive to initial conditions and control parameters. They also exhibit extreme random behavior. This system achieved high average PSNR of 52.24 and very low MSE of 0.085. Moreover, the key space attained by this system was as high as (2)600.

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