
The escalating integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices with mobile networks presents unprecedented opportunities and challenges in the context of security and privacy. This paper offers a comprehensive overview of recent research focusing on the security and privacy concerns associated with IoT systems operating within mobile networks. The fundamental concepts, emerging threats, and potential solutions in this dynamic landscape are examined. The distinctive characteristics of IoT devices and their unique security and privacy requirements are outlined. The paper discusses inherent vulnerabilities, including limited computational resources, device heterogeneity, and the expansive attack surface resulting from interconnected devices. Additionally, the growing risks associated with data collection, transmission, and storage within mobile network environments are explored, emphasizing the importance of protecting user privacy and sensitive information. State-of-the-art security mechanisms and protocols designed to safeguard IoT systems in mobile networks are surveyed. Approaches such as encryption, authentication, access control, and intrusion detection systems are discussed as means to mitigate potential threats. The paper addresses the challenge of secure device onboarding and underscores the importance of ensuring the integrity and authenticity of IoT components within the network. Furthermore, the role of standards and regulatory frameworks in shaping security and privacy requirements for IoT systems is examined. Initiatives by organizations such as the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are discussed in relation to their influence on the development and deployment of secure IoT solutions. In conclusion, this review highlights the ongoing need for continuous research and development in the security and privacy domains of IoT systems in mobile networks. As the adoption of IoT devices and mobile network technologies continues to grow, maintaining vigilance in addressing evolving threats and ensuring compliance with emerging regulations is imperative. This paper aims to provide valuable insights into the evolving landscape of IoT security and privacy, catering to researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, and paving the way for a more secure and privacy-preserving future for IoT deployments in mobile networks.

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