
AbstractThe Internet of Things (IoT) is used in a variety of fields, covering almost all the aspects of the individuals’ day-today-life, organisations and society. With the Internet revolution, the IoT framework provides a platform for connecting many smart and self-configuring objects, such as watches, cars, tablets, wearable devices and home appliances. Despite the technological and societal advantages and the enormous economic potential of IoT, the issue of security and privacy in IoT is a major concern. IoT systems have problems with scalability, centralization, data security and privacy. This article provides an overview of IoT systems and reviews the IoT's typical security and privacy issues taking into consideration the biomedical domain. In addition, this article explores the convergence of blockchain and computing technologies for IoT applications and blockchain based mitigation of DDoS attacks.KeywordsInternet of Things (IoT)BlockchainEdge computingDDoSeHealthPrivacy and security challengesCryptomining

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