
In the present paper, we report security analysis of an effective method of scrambling i.e. XOR technique, which may be used as an important component in visual cryptography. Histogram of scrambled or encrypted images expressed that pixel values are distributed quite uniformly. This implies that nothing can be guessed about the original image using the encrypted image. For analyzing the complexity of encrypted images, information entropy, the correlation coefficient of adjacent pixels values were also calculated. Values of horizontal correlation, vertical correlation, and information entropy reflected that the complexity and randomness of pixel values are quite high for XOR cipher. Now a day’s differential attack has been very common. Keeping the same in the mind, we have calculated Unified Average Changing Intensity (UACI) and the Number of Pixels Change Rate (NPCR), to exhibit the ability of encrypted image using XOR cipher to resist the differential attack. So we can say that XOR cipher is useful for secure transmission of an image.

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