
Security is a big issue and securing important data is so important that it can’t be tapped or misused for illegal purposes to the detriment of others. Cryptography is a way used to maintain security where messages are disguised into encrypted messages. One-time cryptography pad is one type of cryptographic technique that uses substitution method by giving special terms to the key used that is made of characters or random letters (random key or pad), and the randomness does not use a certain formula. The Vigenere code includes a poly alphabetic subtitution cipher which in subtitle technique each text have many possible original texts. Super Encryption is a method of combining between the two algorithms that aims to get a stronger cipher making it very difficult to solve. The result of this research is the process time stated that the average time of plaintext encryption process with 50 characters is 3 milisecond while the mean time of plaintext encryption process with 100 characters is 7.33 milisecond. Then for the average time of encryption ciphertext process with 50 characters is 75,333 milisecond while the mean time of ciphertext encryption process with 100 characters is 132,333 milisecond.

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