
AimAnalysis of the anticancer and antimitotic activity of the plant derived alkaloid securinine along with its effect on the organization of cellular microtubules as well as its binding with purified goat brain tubulin in-vitro. Materials and methodsThe cytotoxicity of securinine on different cell lines was conducted using SRB assay. The effect of securinine on the cellular microtubules was analyzed using immunofluorescence microscopy. The binding of securinine on purified goat brain tubulin was evaluated using fluorescent spectroscopy. Key findingsSecurinine effectively prevented the proliferation of cervical, breast and lung cancer cells with an IC50 of 6, 10 and 11 μM respectively and induced minimal toxicity in HEK cell line. Securinine at concentrations higher than IC50 induced significant depolymerization in interphase and mitotic microtubules and it suppressed the reassembly of cold depolymerized spindle microtubules in HeLa cells. In the wound healing assay, securinine effectively suppressed the migration of HeLa cells to close the wound. Securinine bound to tubulin with a Kd of 9.7 μM and inhibited the assembly of tubulin into microtubules. The treatment with securinine induced a mitochondrial dependent ROS response in HeLa cells which enhanced the cytotoxic effect of securinine. The result from gene expression studies indicates that securinine induced apoptosis in MCF-7 cells through p53 dependent pathway. SignificanceConsidering the strong anticancer and anti-metastatic property and low toxicity in non-malignant cell lines, we suggest that securinine can be used as a chemotherapeutic drug either alone or in combination with other known anticancer molecules.

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