
At present, the networks are vulnerable to various security problems like intrusion, phishing, hacking, to mention a few, and various encryption techniques are employed to curb the same. IoT environments are susceptible to various attacks that compromise the basic Confidentiality-Integrity-Availability triad of network security. IoT applications range from baby monitors to high-end military systems. With a plethora of devices transmitting sensitive information, the security of IoT environments becomes pivotal. However, it is not viable to extend the traditional dense encryption methodology to resource-inhibited IoT devices. Thus, lightweight algorithms are devised to meet the needs of their constrained architecture. Blockchain is a technology that helps in achieving a peer-peer secure and tamper-proof transfer of data between two objects. Blockchains can thus empower integrity in networks. Extending the concept of Blockchains to constrained IoT ecosystems, however, meets with its challenges. This paper focuses on the applications and challenges of Blockchain technology in securing IoT environments.

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