
The advancement in communications technologies and recent geopolitical events highlighted the need for fast and reliable satellite communications infrastructure for military and civil security operations. Starting from the case study of the Viasat cyberattack in February 2022, this paper analyzes the common vulnerabilities of the ground and, in particular, user segments in SatCom infrastructures, focusing on modems security, and proposes some best practices and solutions in the field of risk management to prevent such attacks. Moreover, the research compares the standards and the guidelines used in the United States concerning routers and network security with those in the European Union. Our findings highlight the need for clear and effective standards or certification schemes to cyber-proof the new components of IRIS2, the “Infrastructure for Resilience Interconnectivity and Security by Satellite”, Europe's first multi-orbital satellite constellation. This need becomes more compelling, especially in view of the entry into force of the Network and Information Security Directive or NIS2 Directive. We conclude by discussing future research directions and emerging trends in cyber risk management for the SatCom user segment. This paper aims to provide valuable insights into managing cyber risks in critical space infrastructure and can inform future efforts to improve cybersecurity in view of IRIS2.

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