
Helwan University graduation is a very valuable authentic document, like any graduation temporarycertificate all over the universities. It is issued for graduates who need it to present to everyone or firm who is interested. However, it is not secured with any security feature that prevent forgery, tampering or altering the information of the certificate by using any professional image processor application like Photoshop. So there was an urgent need to introduce an innovative design that achieves two goals, first of all is securing the certificate against counterfeiting and forgery, secondly, creating an aesthetic appeal to it. So the research hypothesis was that creating an innovative decorative design supported with some suggested security features like Guilloche, Micro-printing, Optically Variable Inks (OVI) and printed Radio frequency Identification (RFID) tag, will definitely achieve these goals, provided do not considerably increase the cost of the produced documents. After experimental work study, the results shown that this innovative design were generated by Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 software, has achieved the research goals.

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