
In the field of cloud computing the approach for sharing of data and storage between a group of people requires efficient approach with cost cutting and low maintenance procedure. Sharing of outsourced files assures security and ensures data veracity according to the frequent changes in shared data files. Issues like preserving privacy of data among the group stored data shared in common cloud storage. Prominent attacks within the cloud requires scheme of defense mechanisms use key distribution mechanism in secured communication channels. Some of the existing system use fine grain access control with revoked user that protects prominent attacks for original data achieving security. In our proposed paper we inculcate a Cloud Storage Controller (CSC) that manages the allocation of group of data stored and it can only referenced and cannot download any database from cloud. The data will be blended together into one of two sets for example if two users storing data of 2 megabyte and 3 megabyte each then that will be merged together as two datasets with 1 megabyte of first user and 1 megabyte of second user. In the second data set it merges 1 megabyte of first user and 2 megabyte of second user using Fusing Data Technique (FDT). Every dataset will be bookmarked which symbolizes the user that dataset belongs to and that will be indexed in the Cloud Storage controller (CSC). It helps in fast and highly secured datasets storage management in cloud storage system. It achieves efficient database privacy and revokes user data swiftly and securely.

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