
For the past two decades, Macao’s casino industry has become increasingly competitive, with patronage and the city’s extraordinary casino revenue secured by Mainland Chinese visitation. Over 60% of Macao’s gaming revenues are now generated from The Cotai Strip’s integrated resorts (IRs) where the presentation of products and services to best create and grow IR Chinese patronage is increasingly critical. The findings of this servicescape study conducted at Cotai’s IRs on Chinese mass market visitors revealed that IR layout and ambience conditions, as well as food and beverage elements, could be used to encourage IR patronage. Casino operations, rewards and luck were components that could induce a repeat visit to the IR or even a competing IR on the respondent’s return visit to Macao. The implications are significant for casino operators and destination marketing given the limited insight in the servicescape literature on the IR environment including specific attributes to focus on to secure Chinese visitation to the casino complex and Cotai Strip IR cluster.

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