
The growing availability of genomic data is unlocking research potentials on genomic-data analysis. It is of great importance to outsource the genomic-analysis tasks onto clouds to leverage their powerful computational resources over the large-scale genomic sequences. However, the remote placement of the data raises personal-privacy concerns, and it is challenging to evaluate data-analysis functions on outsourced genomic data securely and efficiently. In this work, we study the secure similar-sequence-query (SSQ) problem over outsourced genomic data, which has not been fully investigated. To address the challenges of security and efficiency, we propose two protocols in the mixed form, which combine two-party secure secret sharing, garbled circuit, and partial homomorphic encryptions together and use them to jointly fulfill the secure SSQ function. In addition, our protocols support multi-user queries over a joint genomic data set collected from multiple data owners, making our solution scalable. We formally prove the security of protocols under the semi-honest adversary model, and theoretically analyze the performance. We use extensive experiments over real-world dataset on a commercial cloud platform to validate the efficacy of our proposed solution, and demonstrate the performance improvements compared with state-of-the-art works.

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