
Recent advancements in drone technology have created new application opportunities, particularly for small drones. However, these advancements raise concerns about security, adaptability, and consistency. Data security is jeopardized by flying intelligent devices. The distributed nature of drones, their accessibility, mobility, adaptability, and autonomy will all have an effect on how security vulnerabilities and threats are identified and controlled. However, attackers and cybercriminals have begun to employ drones for malevolent reasons in recent years. These attacks are frequent and can be fatal. There is also the matter of prevention to consider. The communication entities of the drone network can communicate securely via authentication procedures. Such solutions, however, must strike a balance between security and portability. However, the proposed technique is implemented to improve security to avoid attacks and provides a secure, lightweight, and proven solution to a key agreement for drone communication. A novel certificate-less Drone integration approach that depends on trusted authorities centres to help communication entities establish their key pairs while keeping those same trusted authorities centers from knowing about them has been devised. The proposed scheme results achieved higher security of 94 percent than existing schemes.

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