
Mobile agent systems (MASs) that travel autonomously through a computer network in order to perform some computation or gather information on behalf of a human user or an application. business applications. In most applications, the security of mobile agents is of the utmost importance. this paper, we propose a MAS environment.Public key infrastructure is used in authentication. Policy-based security management has become a growing research area for mobile agent security. To ensure authorization in used to grant privileges to agents according to their roles. X.509 certificate is the most widely used data format for public key certificates. information in its OU (organization unit) field, to make sure environment are given access to certain data or resources according to their roles. may be tampered by malicious agent to misuse its privileges. To ensure agent’s integrity, agent code encrypted, signedand added in X.509 certificate to be checked before agent execution. confidentiality, information that needs to be protected from disclosure like agent’s shopping list is encrypted while travelling through communication channels to preven eavesdropping.

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