
The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is a new communication system that has been designed to link undersea things in marine and underwater settings. Intelligent surveillance and cybersecurity, smart coastlines and seas, autonomous maritime transportation, location and navigation, underwater exploration, and catastrophe prevention and prediction are all closely related to IoUT technology. The IoUT has an impact on a variety of sizes, including a scientific observatory, a medium-sized port, and the whole marine traffic. IoUT's network architecture is inherently diverse and ought to be sufficiently robust to function under challenging conditions. These days, underwater images are utilised to locate vital resources such as items, minerals, and precious metals. We can send underwater images across a network since the Internet is so widely accessible. We are able to send underwater images across an IoUT network since the Internet is so widely accessible. There is a need for transmitting underwater images securely over the IoUT since they carry crucial information. The IoUT network requires security methods and algorithms to maintain data integrity and confidentiality. In this article, we provide a safe transmission technique for underwater images via IoUTs. This approach is built on a confusion-diffusion framework that employs the 2D Exponential-Cosine transform and the Latin square algorithm. The Security Study demonstrates its high degree of security and its ability to encrypt various colour images into cipher-images that are impossible to decipher.

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