
Securing Electronic Medical Records for Healthcare 4.0 is one of the prime requirements in the medical care service domains. Healthcare 4.0 refers to the evolution process of healthcare systems that leverage digital technologies, connectivity, and data-driven insights to provide more personalized and efficient care. With the increasing adoption of electronic healthcare records and the growing importance of data in the healthcare sector, ensuring the privacy of patient data becomes paramount. To ensuring the security for healthcare 4.0 in the current work a voice authentication-based system is devised. This enables the protection of electronic healthcare records (EHRs) in the association of healthcare 4.0. More precisely here the voice authentication is used as an additional layer of security for accessing and managing EHRs. The Voice authentication can also be categorized as the voice biometric. This is a technology that uses unique voice characteristics and patterns to verify the identity of individuals. The result establishes the innovative smart security arrangement for the Healthcare 4.0 using the voice authentication-based identity management infrastructure; and a modified version of asymmetric cryptosystem has been used inside the blockchain. The simulation outcome indicates better performance in the form of block generation time, block number, ensure the transaction, and minimize the latency of the transaction.

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