
Secure E-Voting System is a python-based project. It is an efficient and financially savvy way of leading a democratic method, which has the characteristics of being large-scale data and real- time, as well as requiring a high level of security. Nonetheless, they are concerns about the security of systems administration and protection of correspondence for e-casting a ballot have been developed. Here, the client establishes a connection with the server, this implies that the TCP protocol is being used. For each new arriving Client, the Server should create a new thread to accomplish this feature we took care of concurrent thread, that is, when the number of connections is made with the server, that time each thread doesn’t interfere with one another. Therefore, we synchronized the threads. Securing e-casting a ballot is very urgent and has turned into a famous theme in correspondences and systems administration. This system puts a lot of trust in the central authority. It manages the security of information during the enrolment of the electors while surveying on the final voting day and then some and examining the votes to guarantee an impartial democratic climate. It additionally guarantees that the citizen is an enlisted and interesting elector who is qualified to cast a ballot and its polling form for casting a ballot is customized and gotten. The execution result shows that it is a practical and secure e-casting ballot framework, which takes care of the issue of falsification of votes during e-casting a ballot.

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