
Goal of Complex Event Processing (CEP) is to identify meaningful events (such as opportunities or threats) and respond to them as quickly as possible. Traditional CEP frameworks do not have built-in security features. Any intruder may enter into the system and may send incorrect data to CEP engine. It causes to miss some patterns or it may lead to wrong prediction of patterns. Traditional CEP systems can be exploited through one or the other way. CEP system malfunctions when it is exploited. There is no built in procedure to check the health status of traditional CEP systems. Traditional CEP systems do not have procedures to take appropriate actions when system is affected or going to affect. When CEP system identifies some patterns, it will alert corresponding personnel about the occurrence of the event. Sometimes alert message may be undelivered or unnoticed by the corresponding people. Traditional CEP systems will not provide delivery assurance of alert message. These are few security challenges to existing CEP systems. In this paper Secure Complex Event Processing Framework is proposed to address above security challenges. Proposed framework is generic and it is pluggable into any existing CEP systems.

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