
In the recent trends, secure and efficient plan is required to get the access control of shared data in distributed systems. Different ABE schemes are provided for secure data sharing but, in CP-ABE scheme, a set of attributes are associated with each user the data on to user was encrypted based on access structure formed from the set of attributes. Any user who satisfies the access structure of the encrypted text they can only the decrypt the encrypted text. In data outsourcing environment, if you use this attribute-based encryption (ABE) results some challenges in case of attribute and user revocation. In smart grid provides sensitive data sharing policies and schemes because it has to deal with sensitive information and maintains flexibility for giving information about the policies used for the data protection or authentication details of data owner and receiver. A movement toward secure and efficient data sharing with fine grain access control. We propose a scheme that enables the “secure data sharing and key distribution” with communication channels, and the users can obtain their secret keys from the “key generation center (KGC)” and our scheme can accomplish “fine grain access control” and the user in the users’ list can use the data available in the cloud and restricted access is only allowed for the revoked users. Our proposed scheme enables the secure user revocation, key distribution, data confidentiality, and fine grain access control in cloud.

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