
This paper provides a summary of selected reports and papers (‘grey literature’) published by key HE sector organisations in England (and the UK), and ‘think tanks’ between September 2018 and January 2019. These include: Advance HE; the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Assistive Technology (APPGAT); Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS); Department for Education (DfE); GuildHE; High Fliers; Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI); Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA); House of Commons Library; Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS); Jisc; Migration Advisory Committee (MAC); Office for Fair Access (OFFA); Office for Students (OfS); Papyrus UK (Prevention of Young Suicide); Policy Connect; The Sutton Trust; The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS); UK Advising and Tutoring (UKAT); Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association (UCISA); UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA); UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment (UKSCQA); Universities and Colleges Union (UCU); Universities UK (UUK); Universities UK International (UUKi); Warwick Economics and Development (WECD); The 1752 Group. The themes covered in the paper include: grade inflation; post-qualification applications; unconditional offers; access and participation plans; the multiple equality measure; outreach; targeted tuition fees; degree apprenticeships; the English Baccalaureate; the student voice; analysing qualitative data; student engagement; students’ unions; student engagement and experience surveys; part-time learners; commuter students; flexible learning; student wellbeing (suicide prevention, personal tutoring); equality and diversity; religion and belief; sexual misconduct; technology enhanced-learning (TEL); TEL accessibility; the intelligent campus; managing change; the graduate labour market; employability; first destinations of disabled students; enterprise education; graduate earnings; internships; practice-informed learning; graduate wellbeing; institutional accountability; internationalisation; student outward mobility; transnational education; and the HE workforce (academic staff).

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