
AbstractWe introduce a class of vector fields onn-manifolds containing the hyperbolic systems, the singular-hyperbolic systems on 3-manifolds, the multidimensional Lorenz attractors and the robust transitive singular sets in Liet al[Robust transitive singular sets via approach of an extended linear Poincaré flow.Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.13(2) (2005), 239–269]. We prove that the closed orbits of a system in such a class are hyperbolic in a persistent way, a property which is false for higher-dimensional singular-hyperbolic systems. We also prove that the singularities in the robust transitive sets in Liet alare similar to those in the multidimensional Lorenz attractor. Our results will give a partial negative answer to Problem 9.26 in Bonattiet al[Dynamics Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity. A Global Geometric and Probabilistic Perspective (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, 102. Mathematical Physics, III). Springer, Berlin, 2005].

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