
This chapter contains selected sources related to the life cycle of South Asian Muslim women. It presents sources related to daughters not liked, son preference, adolescent girls, menstruation, clitorodectomy, marriage and family life, child marriages, nikāḥ, selection of spouses, role of walī in a marriage contract, wife-husband relationship, male-female attitude towards family life, manuals for household management, marriage patterns in south Asia, arranged marriages, consanguineous marriages, endogamous marriages, matrilineal customs, Muslim women marrying Christian men, polygamy, mutaʾh, dowry, pregnancy and childbirth, motherhood/childcare, widowhood, remarriage of widows and divorce, ṭalāq, payment of mahr and maintenance for divorced women. The chapter is not just a bibliography; it moves far beyond what a bibliography is ordinarily conceived to be.Keywords: ṭalāq; child marriages; life cycle; mahr; marriage patterns; Muslim women; mutaʾh; nikāḥ; remarriage; south Asian

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