
Abstract:For your convenience, this month's Section News PDF includes bookmarks for each section. After opening the PDF, select the “Bookmark” tab on the left side of your screen, and click on the name of the section you are interested in reading.American Ethnological Society (AES): Caitrin Lynch, ed.Anthropology and Environment Section (A&E): Terre Satterfield, ed. “Environmental Anthropology and Sustainable Development in China” by Bryan TiltArcheology Division (AD): E Christian Wells, ed.Association of Black Anthropologists (ABA): Bianca C Williams and karen g williams, eds. “Global Circulations: A View from the Caribbean” by Tami NavarroAssociation for Feminist Anthropology (AFA): Damla Isik and Jessica Smith Rolston, eds. “Three Decades of Feminist Archaeology” by Colleen MorganAssociation of Indigenous Anthropologists (AIA): Valerie Lambert, ed. “On Firm Footing and Forward” by Jason YounkerAssociation for Latina and Latino Anthropologists (ALLA): Luis FB Plascencia and Pablo González, eds. “Una Red en Peces: Transborder Alliances Between US Chicanos and Indigenous Communities in Baja California” by Pablo GonzálezAssociation for Political and Legal Anthropology (ALPA): Mona Bhan and Noelle Molé, eds.“Law, Culture and the Boundaries of Geographical Indications” by Erica A FarmerAssociation for Queer Anthropology (AQA): David L R Houston, ed.Association of Senior Anthropologists (ASA): Paul Doughty, ed.Central States Anthropological Sociey (CSAS): Evelyn Dean‐Olmsted and Angela Glaros, eds.Council on Anthropology and Education (CAE): Steve Bialostok, ed. “Get Ready for the 2011 Annual Meeting” by Greg TanakaCouncil for Museum Anthropology (CMA): Margaret Bruchac, ed. “Answering a Grand Challenge by Transforming Access to Museum Collections” by Alex W BarkerCulture and Agriculture (C&A): Susanna Donaldson and Joan Mencher, eds. “Upcoming SfAA Meeting” by Joan MencherEvolutionary Anthropology Society (EAS): John P Ziker, ed.General Anthropology Division (GAD): Luke Eric Lassiter, ed. “2011 Call for Nominations” by Christopher A FurlowMiddle East Section (MES): Yasmin Moll, ed. “Recap of MES in New Orleans” by Gregory StarrettNational Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA): Eva Friedlander and Tara Eaton, eds. “Consulting: The Move to Practice from Academia” by Betty J HarrisNational Association of Student Anthropologists (NASA): Keri A Canada, ed. “Letter from the Field: Practicing Anthropology at Intel Corporation” by Kathi KitnerSociety for Anthropological Sciences (SAS): Stephen Lyon, ed. “Abstract of ‘Encrypted Humor and Social Networks in Rural Brazil’” by Thomas Flamson and H Clark BarrettSociety for Anthropology in Community Colleges (SACC): Lloyd Miller, ed.Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness (SAC): Peter N Jones, ed.Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE): Vasiliki P Neofotistos, ed. “Message from the SAE President” by Deborah Reed‐Danahay; “What is Left for Anthropology to Say about Europe?” by Marcy Brink‐DananSociety for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (SAFN): Alyson Young and Kenneth Maes, eds. “Adolescent Culture and Food Consumption in Tanzania” by Elizabeth DanforthSociety for the Anthropology of North America (SANA): David Kamper, ed. “Augmenting Interaction: Design and Use of Assistive Communications Technologies” by Christopher R EngelkeSociety for the Anthropology of Religion (SAR): Jennifer Selby, ed. “2010 Clifford Geertz Prize” by Sue KenyonSociety for the Anthropology of Work (SAW): Theresa Preston‐Werner, ed. “Susanna Donaldson Receives Wolf Prize” by Ann Kingsolver; “SAW Welcomes Student Involvement” by Theresa Preston‐WernerSociety for East Asian Anthropology (SEAA): Anru Lee and Bridget Love, eds. “Material Asia: Join the Discussion in Jeonju, Korea” by Laurel KendallSociety for Humanistic Anthropology (SHA): Frederic W Gleach and Vilma Santiago‐Irizarry, ed.Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (SLACA): Annelou Ypeij, ed. “The Survival of Andean Pastoralism” by Ralph BoltonSociety for Medical Anthropology (SMA): Kathleen Ragsdale, ed. “The Medical Anthropologist as Interventionist: Culturally‐Based Approaches to Public Health Problems” by Stephen L SchensulSociety for Psychological Anthropology (SPA): Jack R Friedman, ed. “Boyer Prize Winner 2010” by Yehuda C Goodman; “Stirling Prize Winner 2010” by Claudia StraussSociety for Urban, National, and Transnational/Global Anthropology (SUNTA): Jayne Howell, ed. “Farming the Crescent City Tour” by Sandra McLeanSociety for Visual Anthropology (SVA): Wendy Dickinson, ed. “Anthropological Film Festival in Israel” by Nurit Kedar; “Introducing the Ultrashorts for the SVA Film and Interactive Media Festival” by John Bishop; “SVA Film and Interactive Media Festival” by Karen Nakamura

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